I absolutely LOVE Kindle Direct Publishing. It's easy to use, has its very own promotional options, and I can earn money with my work. How cool is that? If You're Human Don't Open the Door FREE on Amazon until 4/20! (If you don't have a Kindle, don't worry - there's an app for that no matter what your device is.) This is one of my first books that isn't a collection of poetry, so I'm hoping people will be more interested. That's a big part of the reason I made it free at first... people should check it out and I don't want to immediately charge because that almost seems greedy. Now, I'm working on another eBook collection of horror stories before I dive into the planned trilogy I'm working on. |
The whole idea behind this little collection is to give people a feel for what my writing is really like as opposed to just releasing poetry =). Though I really hope people have enjoyed reading Shrapnel as well!
Let's see what else my crazy brain will be able to come up with over the next few months.... ;) Enjoy! Get your free copy & write a review if you're so inclined - I would greatly appreciate it!
Let's see what else my crazy brain will be able to come up with over the next few months.... ;) Enjoy! Get your free copy & write a review if you're so inclined - I would greatly appreciate it!