An observation.



I wanted to write about this because it really struck me while I was reading a book over the past couple of days.

They always tell you that writers should also be readers. The purpose for this is to develop your language skills thoroughly, on a conscious as well as subconscious level.

By reading on a regular basis, you're also training your skills subconsciously because you're exposing yourself to properly edited and developed writing. Well, with the advent of self-publishing, are we doomed to become dumb because of indie authors not hiring editors?

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Just thinking on screen....



I just finished attending a webinar by Mike Klingler, who is a coach I follow on Facebook. Every time I attend one of these, I always have a million ideas shoot through my head about my own business, and have been having some thoughts on the Soul Vomit anthology especially.

The reminder to continue learning was a big focus this evening. There were other focuses as well, but that one struck me especially hard for some reason. I love learning. I love information. I also dropped out of college the last time I tried to go... but I still feel like that was a better choice than continuing when my passion is already right in front of my face in the form of Broken Publications and my own writing.

I know what my cause is and what I stand for, and that's stopping domestic violence and helping victims to leave their abusers and thrive in happy lives afterward. I'm really hoping that some of the things I've learned will help others to do just that and allowing others to publish their stories in order to raise awareness as well as giving people a chance to write out their experiences for therapeutic reasons. Maybe it will help them just like it helped me.

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Seven days.

It might just be me, but I've always thought there was something poetic about the number seven. Seven days in a week, seven deadly sins, seven tears, dog years....

It's funny because I've been so much more productive and have been reading a lot more because every time I find I want to smoke a cigarette, I pick up a book. I read an entire novella today and posted a review, am on the verge of finishing another book, and have a whole stack of books that I can still read sitting to the right of me.

I don't think I've read this much since I was pregnant with my oldest daughter... lol, gee, wonder what happened?

It feels nice to feel like I have enough time to do the things I want to do. I was constantly feeling like I couldn't get everything done. Who knew it was because I was spending so much time inhaling smoke?